Today I wanted to talk about two models related to technology integration.
First one is SAMR. This model catagorizes technology integration into four concepts.
-Redefinition: Technology allows new oppurtunities for creating tasks that was not possiable before
-Modification: Technology helps us to modify tasks that could have been done before but not in the way that it is done now.
-Augmentation: Technology helps with the improvement of a task
-Substitution: Technology is used but not have an impact of change
The second model I wanted to talk about is TPACK. This model focuses on three qualities a teacher must have in order to effectively use technology as a tool.
-Technological Knowledge: The teacher must know how to use technological tools efficianlty.
-Pedagogical Knowledge: The teacher must know the needs of the students.
-Content Knowledge: The teacher must be aware of the content of the lesson's subject.
Hope you learned something new by reading this post!